Friday, October 1, 2010

a list

Since I have been in Mexico, I have filled my days with the little things that typically characterize my life... things that are simultaneously interesting, boring, silly and lovely... A short list includes:
  • singing with a mariachi band in front of my co-workers
  • waiting and waiting and waiting for change from a machine that clearly says it does not give change
  • taking the metrobus for the first time late night post-cantina (sorry mom, but fortunately it turned out to be one of the amazing women only cars)
  • accidentally buying toilet paper con aroma and subsequently scenting my bathroom like a giant grandma-baby
  • crying in a class meeting about racism in front of my 6th graders
  • climbing through the window of a vacant house to discover the most amazing rooftop view of the city i have seen to date
After a day of confusing, stressful and broken Spanish conversations, a brand new washer/dryer unit is sitting in the middle of my kitchen and instead of trying read the directions to install it, I am going to climb back up on that rooftop.


crystamom said...

Pictures from the roof top please! Sounds like things are full of silly adventures...sounds perfect! Love starting my day reading about your life! xoxo

Cam McGregor said...

Yes I'd like rooftop pictures as well! Those sound like some cool (and profound) experiences! But seriously???? You're not into the smell toilet papers? I love those! I just bought like 3 packs of Green Apple so so things smell.....well better. No weirder maybe, but I love it!

FreeBazyn said...

Mary P, I love this list! I want to come do half of the things on it with you! So women only cars? And they are necessary?